Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Active EP are qualified professionals that can prescribe and deliver effective exercises that help address an array of women’s health conditions including but not limited to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, pre and post natal, prolapses and menopause. A large number of women will experience one of these conditions at some point in their life and our team at Active EP are here to support you during that. We can develop an individualised program of exercises ensuring safe progressions, suitability and modifications are implemented to help you achieve your goals. 

Why is exercise important?

  • Exercise alone can help improve many symptoms of some women’s health conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and menopause.
  • Exercise can help increase the strength and endurance of many muscles but particularly pelvic floor and core muscles which are affected in times of pregnancy, post-natal and if you suffer from a prolapse.

What can Active EP do for you?

  • Interpret doctors or other allied health professional reports to prescribe the appropriate exercises and intensity to create suitable loading
  • Create an individualised program that can increase muscular strength, endurance and pelvic floor function to assist with any concerns or conditions you may be experiencing
  • Support you through this time of your life and liase with any other allied health practitioners involved in your journey.

Make an appointment with on of our Exercise Physiologist to take an active approach to your women’s health condition or concern.

Exercising With Your Menstrual Cycle

Did you know that your ability to exercise differs throughout the month? This is due to changes in hormone levels, and can impact on training on a monthly basis. There may be some weeks where exercise seems harder than others. So let’s have a look into how this works.
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Heart Health for Women

Did you know that the signs and symptoms of a heart attack in women are different to men?
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Exercising with Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects roughly 1 in 7 Australian women. While there is currently no known cause for endometriosis, oestrogen is a key driver of endometriosis tissue growth, which regular exercise can help to reduce.
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Exercise for PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that affects 1 in 7 women. PCOS is characterised by an increase of Insulin and Androgens.
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What is Prolapse and how can Exercise Help?

Pelvic floor exercises are important in improving motor control, strength and endurance of your pelvic floor. However, this is not the only exercise that can be done to help manage your prolapse.
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