Return to sport

Return to Sport

Recovering from an injury is one thing, but are you ready to return to the high loads and unpredictability of sport? The Active EP team is as passionate about getting you safely back to your sport and performing at your best as you are. We understand the multiple factor affecting your safe return to activity without re injury as well as being able to perform at your best, and we would love to be part of your return to sport story.

Focus areas for return to sport:

  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Load management
  • Gait and movement retraining
  • Pilates and core strengthening
  • Performance enhancement
  • Skill acquisition and motor control training

Why is exercise important?

  • Re-conditioning the body is important after time off sport or activity in order to get our health and function back to and beyond pre-injury levels.
  • Ensuring the body is capable of the physical demands of our sport or activity is important in preventing re-injury or persistent pain when returning from injury.

What can we do?

  • Assess current movement patterns to identify weaknesses to be worked on to prevent re-injury and cause of injury
  • Assist you in reaching specific goals of sports performance or activity
  • Create a graded rehabilitation program from early management until return to sport phases that is specific to the activity you are returning to.

Make an appointment with one of our Exercise Physiologists to help your return to sport and activity.