Myth-busting some common beliefs around knees

Myth-busting some common beliefs around knees: 

There seems to be a lot of myths out there, especially in regards to knees. Some of the ones we hear a lot at Active EP include: 

  • Is squatting bad for my knees? 
  • Is running bad for my knees? 

In a nutshell, the answer to all of those questions is no. Time to bust some myths shall we? 

Q: Is running bad for my knees? 

A: No. There is growing evidence to suggest this is not the case. Several studies have highlighted that there is no increased risk of developing osteoarthritis in runners compared to non-runners. Though it is important to highlight that with any sport, there is a risk of injury. Strength training is important for those who run to decrease the risk of injury. 

Q: Is squatting bad for my knees? 

A: No. Squatting is a functional exercise, and is also a compound movement to help develop strength and power in the lower body. There are many different variations of squats that don’t necessarily require you to be under a heavy barbell. Squats won’t cause knee pain by themselves, but it is important when you are doing a squat that your technique is sound, before considering adding any load. It is also important too, to ensure that you are increasing loading gradually if you are squatting with weight, as an increase too quickly with load could cause some aggravation. 


Bricca A, Juhl CB, Steultjens M, Wirth W, Roos EM. Impact of exercise on articular cartilage in people at risk of, or with established, knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Aug;53(15):940-947. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098661. Epub 2018 Jun 22. PMID: 29934429.
Exercise Right, n.d. Are Squats bad for your knees? (